Every facebook user is surprised of how is facebook changing these past months. From the newsfeed to chatbox. Everything is upgrading. What the most surprising change that Facebook brought, is the new look of their profile page. What is TIMELINE? How can we use it? Is it more convenient and stylish compared to the old look of the facebook profile? I will answer these questions in this hub.
In my own personal opinion, facebook timeline is more stylish and convenient for me. For other users, they already want to deactivate their timeline because it's features are so complicated. All the tools and options are scattered everywhere, from the recent activities, photos, status and recently read articles. I think it will be more interesting and fun if everyone knows how to use these options well. Facebook Timeline is stalker friendly, since every activity of the user can be seen on their timeline. We will have a basic
summary of uses of these different features that facebook
has introduced to us just recently.
We will discuss first the basics of a profile, the profile pictures, information, whereabouts and friends. The old facebook profile seems to be friendly when it comes to editing these information, though timeline is way more complicated than before, it represents these information well to users. You can see everything you need to know about the user in an instant, you don't have to scroll everything down.
PROFILE PICTURE. As you can see, they have set the profile picture in a thumbnail like size. As a facebook user, I want my profile picture to show everything. It is very hard to do this on the old profile, since the size for a profile picture is very limited. You can make it big, but it can't show everything. If you tried to upload a larger picture, you will get upset. Because it will look very small on your profile. That is why, they put a cover photo.
COVER PHOTO. I am very thankful that facebok has brought up with this idea of putting a cover photo in every profile page. As I said on the previous paragraph, users want to everyone see what's on their profile picture. Cover photo serves this purpose. You can put your face alone on the profile picture, and then set a picture to be placed on the cover photo, It is much larger and it can cover up anything. One can easily take a photo, regardless of it's size, make it a cover photo, and whoala! Your profile is already set. Another wonderful thing about this cover photo is you can use your previous uploaded photo to be your cover picture. Not only that, you can also drag it to your desired position.
YOUR WORK, EDUCATION AND HOMETOWN. Under the profile picture, you can see the different information about you. You can change this by clicking on the update info, and it will take you to a different page. There you can edit all your information, and you can see them all in one page. Unlike before, you must click on different tabs to add or change all your information.
Also, your friend's list, photos, map, likes, notes and recent apps are all showed in square-like boxes. You can click the arrow beside them to show all the boxes. Isn't it great? All these information are placed in one area, and it can be easily seen by any user.
In this option tab, you can see all your activity since you first joined Facebook, just click the activity log, and you will be redirected to a different page. In this picture you can see all the options for you to see all your activities.
and lastly, all your recent activities are shown on your profile page. Here is what it looks like if you scroll down the profile.
I hope this hub will help you to understand this social networking site. Face Facebook everyone!
plz comment.. thank you... i'm lahiru lakruwan.